Welcome to CHINAR UK

The UK branch of CHINAR Kashmir 

Our mission is to support the incredible work of CHINAR Kashmir by fundraising in the UK to aid Kashmiri children in need .

Child Nurture and Relief Kashmir

CHINAR Kashmir was established in 2004 as a non-profit, non-political charity to aid Kashmiri children in need, under the leadership of Mr N. A. Quereshi. Their project started as a home for orphaned girls and boys in Srinagar. They have gone from strength to strength in sheltering orphans and providing education and counselling for children in need. They also run innovative programmes geared towards social aid for women and children. In addition, they provide disaster relief following floods and avalanche.

CHINAR UK is a small charity based in the UK, set up to raise funds to directly support CHINAR Kashmir as well as to raise awareness of Kashmiri children in need .

© Copyright CHINAR UK 2020